Cardamom prices today rose by Rs 11.80, or 1.08 per cent to Rs 1,103 per kg in futures market after speculators enlarged positions supported by good buying in spot markets.
At the Multi Commodity Exchange, cardamom for delivery in March rose by Rs 11.80, or 1.08 per cent, to Rs 1,103 per kg in business turnover of 76 lots.
The February contract added Rs 9.50, or 0.89 per cent, to Rs 1,068 per kg in 241 lots.
Market analysts said besides rise in demand in spot markets, tight supplies from producing regions mainly helped cardamom prices to trade higher at futures trade.
At the Multi Commodity Exchange, cardamom for delivery in March rose by Rs 11.80, or 1.08 per cent, to Rs 1,103 per kg in business turnover of 76 lots.
The February contract added Rs 9.50, or 0.89 per cent, to Rs 1,068 per kg in 241 lots.
Market analysts said besides rise in demand in spot markets, tight supplies from producing regions mainly helped cardamom prices to trade higher at futures trade.