Replying to a calling attention of Suresh Bharadwaj (BJP) regarding inconvenience faced by people due to frequent collapse of the retaining wall at the site, Singh said the road had sunk on December 8 last year affecting traffic, but single lane traffic was restored the same day.
Work on construction of temporary retaining wall was started and two-way traffic was restored but lasting solution to the problem was construction of permanent retaining wall, he explained.
Officials of Public Works Department and Shimla Municipal Corporation visited the site again but due to inclement weather it was not possible to immediately construct the retaining wall with firm footing, and it was decided to wait for good weather.
Besides seepage, there was "over burden" of debris at the site where the retaining wall is to be constructed and vehicles moving on the road may face danger during removal of debris and in view of this the roads may have to be closed for 20-25 days for construction of bailey bridge, Singh said.