Xavier Bonilla, who works for El Universo, one of Ecuador's main newspapers, which is known for its critical tone against the president, told AFP he had received notification of a summons yesterday evening.
"I don't know what they're accusing me of exactly, but they sent me a notification that mentions a report allowing a case against me," said Bonilla, who goes by "Bonil."
At the beginning of the year, Correa, a socialist leader known for his open conflict with the media and business sectors, announced his intention to file a complaint with the regulator against Bonilla.
The cartoon caption says police confiscated "allegations of corruption," a phrase the Ecuadorian president has challenged.
El Universo has been prosecuted for insulting Correa in the past, and Bonilla said he could be forced to publish a retraction, apology and even pay a fine.
In a separate incident, Jimenez was sentenced to 18 months in prison for insulting the president.