Ahead of the launch of third season of reality show Bigg Boss Telugu, a case has been registered against its organisers on charges of outraging the modesty of a film actress by asking "uncomfortable" questions during an interview, police said Monday.
The 31-year-old Telugu actress lodged a complaint with police here alleging the organisers while interviewing her for 'Bigg Boss 3' had asked "uncomfortable and personal" questions which she claimed have hurt her self-respect, they said.
Following the complaint a case under IPC section 354 (assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty) was registered against organisers Abhishek and others on Sunday, they added.
On Saturday, a case was registered against four coordinators of the Telugu 'Bigg Boss 3' show after a television anchor complained to police, that they had spoken to her in an "abusive manner.