Mohammad Sabir Ansari alias Sabir Baba, a resident of Muzaffarpur, in a complaint case filed in the chief judicial magistrate's court here on July 8, had contended that Salman Khan, the hero of Bollywood flick 'Sultan' released last week, had promised to give him Rs 20 crore as royalty for making a film based on his life.
His counsel Sudhir Kumar Ojha said that Sabir had narrated his tale to Salman Khan in Mumbai in 2010 and the actor then promised the money if a film was made based on it.
The case has been filed under vaious sections of IPC including 420 (cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property), 406 (punishment for criminal breach of trust), 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace) and 506 (punishment for criminal intimidation).