A two-member bench of the High Court asked the information secretary, the chairman of Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), the police chief, the director general of state-run Bangladesh Television and owner of cable TV operating agency to explain in four weeks "why orders will not be issued to stop transmission" of the three channels.
The bench comprising judges Mainul Islam Chowdhury and Mohammad Ashraful Kamal issued the rule as a lawyer, Shaheen Ara Laili, filed the writ saying the Indian TV channels were adversely affecting the Bangladeshi youths and children while naming three channels - Star Jalsha, Star Plus and G Bangla.
The writ also complained that no Bangladeshi TV channel was not allowed to air programmes in India while the Indian channels in numbers were operating in Bangladesh.
Indian officials earlier said there was no official bar in transmitting Bangladeshi channels in India but private Indian cable operators were unwilling to broadcast them for commercial reasons.