In a case of mistaken identity, the boy's father, Swmay Goud, was handed over a "body" as his son yesterday, and the sorrowful parents performed last rites subsequently.
As Darshan gained consciousness today in a hospital here, where he was rushed after the mishap, he revealed his father's name. The grieving parents were informed that their son is still undergoing treatment at a private hospital.
"Under confusion, a parent (Swamy Goud) took away body of another child thinking that it was his son. Swamy Goud (father of Darshan Goud) could not make out his son's body and took another instead. The mistake has been rectified now. Swamy Goud, who was in a state of shock yesterday, after signing the papers took away the body of one Dattu who had actually died in the mishap," the minister told reporters.