Yashodhara, who is contesting the Madhya Pradesh Assembly polls from Shivpuri seat filed her nomination papers along with the details of her properties in an affidavit, which revealed that the dinner set she owned is at present valued at Rs 1,54,19,938.
The BJP MP, who is the aunt of Madhya Pradesh Congress Campaign Committee Chairman and Union Minister, Jyotiraditya Scindia, likes to wear costly rings and the cost of one such diamond-encrusted ring alone is Rs 6,66,704, her affidavit said.
The BJP leader is also fond of investing in shares and owns shares worth Rs 1,56,89,449 and insurance policies worth Rs 14 lakh.
She has a total of nine bank accounts having Rs 13.60 lakh (total).
Her immovable assets included properties in Uttarakhand and Alwar in Rajasthan valued at Rs 46.50 lakh and ancestral properties are currently under litigation.
Yashodhara's opponents are describing her as an "outsider", but she is not only a resident of Kattha Mill Area's Ward Number One and her house number is 518 which is situated in the premises of Deewan Kothi, but also a registered voter of the constituency.