The couple, Kallu Jatav and Vijayanti Rajoria, took the 'saat phere'-- seven rounds -- around the statue of the Dalit icon at a park in the town to solemnise their marriage on July 3.
They also wanted to send a message against the excessive cost that traditional marriages involve.
A portrait of Lord Buddha was put up beside Ambedkar's statue, where the couple, dressed in the wedding attire, exchanged garlands.
He later decided to conduct a simple ceremony with the help of some social workers and community members.
"Both the families are quite constrained economically and were unable to host a wedding ceremony," social activist Narendra Khangrale, who participated in the marriage, said.
"When this came to our notice, we decided to conduct a simple ceremony for the couple, so that the families could save on the unwanted costs," he said.