The bank had earned a net profit of Rs 26.88 crore for the fiscal ended March last, said its chairman S Santhanakrishnan while addressing the shareholders at the 93rd Annual General Meeting held here today.
Total business of the bank went up to Rs 22,381.22 crore as against previous year's Rs 21,193.14 crore.
The lender could mobilise a deposit of Rs 13,673.86 crore as compared to last year's Rs 12,341.63 crore, recording an increase of 10.79 per cent, he said, adding that the bank had made a substantial increase in deposits of NRIs that touched Rs 2,362.00 crore, making 17.35 per cent of the total deposits.
The net interest income of the bank increased to Rs 379.20 crore during the period under review from Rs 339.22 crore last year.
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Book value per share of the bank stood at Rs 184.01 as against Rs 181.03 last year.
CSB opened 40 new branches and 29 ATMs across the country during the year under review, Santhanakrishnan said.
C K Gopiathan, Ipe Peter, Radha Unni, Sumeer Bhasin, S Ramakrishnan, Boby Jos C and M Madhavan Nambiar were re-elected as directors of the bank.