As per the latest financial details accessed by Sebi, the scheme named 'Cattles & Ghee' had mobilised a total amount of Rs 745 crore as on March 31, 2011. Further funds could have been garnered from the depositors since then.
Fearing a 'Collective Investment Scheme (CIS)' being run without its approval, Sebi began probing the case after receiving investor complaints but its show-cause notices sent to many directors of the company operating this scheme has remained undelivered for many months.
Emailed queries sent by PTI in this regard to the company and phone calls made to the numbers given on its website remained unanswered.
As per its website, New Delhi-based HBN claims to be in dairy business since late 90s with dairy farms in Samalkha (Haryana) and Gannaur, among other places.
The company claimed to link the promised maturity amount to the expected price of cattle and ghee at that time and promised to secure the actual investment even if it was withdrawn in a month's time. The schemes were offered for periods ranging from one month to nine years.