Caustic soda flake rose Rs 50 to Rs 1,850-1,950 per 50 kg.
Marketmen said apart from good demand from detergent manufacturers, tight supplies from producing belts also pushed up caustic soda prices at the wholesale chemical market here.
Caustic soda flake (50 kg) Rs 1,850-1,950, Citric acid (50 kg) (China) Rs 3,500-3,700, Citric acid deshi (50 kg) Rs 3,800-4,000, Camphor slab (1 kg) Rs 355, Camphor powder (1kg) Rs 320, Glycerin (1 kg) Rs 140-160, Hexamine (1kg) Rs 95, Hydrogen peroxide (1 kg) Rs 36-50, menthol bold crystal (per kg) Rs 1,080, menthol flake (1 kg) Rs 1,070 and mentha oil (1kg) Rs 1,100.