During the meeting, chaired by Union Water Resources Secretary S K Das, representatives from Tamil Nadu said they wanted allocation of water as stipulated in the award for the month of June on pro-rata basis for first 10 day period.
Kerala Chief Secretary E K Bharat Bhushan lamented that his state has not been able to utilise the "limited allocation" available to it because they have not been able to develop water resources projects.
The live storage in all the four reservoirs in Cauvery basin in Karnataka at the end of May stood at 3.77 thousand million cubic feet (TMC) and corresponding live storage in Mettur (Tamil Nadu) was 3.73 TMC.
Keeping in mind the poor storage and impending monsoon in Karnataka, Sarkar decided that the position regarding storages and allocation will be reviewed in the next meeting likely to be held on June 12.
The governments of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu agreed have to the proposal.