A special team under direction of SP Anbu raided his house at Sankari, his mother's house at Konkanapuram besides houses of his friends Kumar, Prabhu and Giri at Veerapandi, Sankari and Tiruchengode respectively, police said.
Two CCTV cameras and a laptop besides mobile phones were seized from Yuvraj's house, police said.
Prabhu, Giri and Kumar were taken into custody for questioning.
On October 5, a local court in Namakkal had issued a arrest warrant against Yuvraj, who has been on the run since the murder.
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The body of Gokularaj was found on the railway track near Pallipalayam on June 27 and it had triggered protests from his family who had alleged it was a honour killing.
A love affair with a girl belonging to another caste was suspected to be the reason for his murder.
Twentyone persons were arrested in the case.Three persons had been granted bail recently.
On September 18, Tiruchengode DSP Vishnu Priya, who was investigating the case, allegedly committed suicide at her residence-cum-office complex on September 18.