"Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), Mumbai does not have an office of its own due to non-availability of office space in a government building," Minister of state in Information and Broadcasting ministry S Jagathrakshakan said in reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha.
"Presently, CBFC, Mumbai functions from rented premises at Bharat Bhavan, 91 - E, Walkeshwar Road, Mumbai at a rent of Rs 9654 per month which includes municipal tax, water charges etc," he said.
Jagathrakshakan further said that it would be convenient for filmmakers and advisory panel members, if the CBFC office was in a central locality.
In response to another question, Jagathrakshakan said regional offices of CBFC except the one in Kolkata, use private cinema halls for screening of films though sometimes films were screened in the CBFC offices.