CBI spokesperson said the then Chief Judicial Magistrate, Gurgaon, was arrested in an ongoing investigation of a case related to alleged murder of his wife Geetanjali Garg whose bullet-riddled body was recovered on July 17, 2013 at police lines.
"A case was registered by CBI at the request of Haryana Government and after notification by Government of India," the Spokesperson said.
She said CBI had taken up the investigation of the case, which was earlier registered at Civil Lines police station, Gurgaon on July 20, 2013 against three persons on the complaint of brother of the deceased.
CBI remained tight lipped about the reasons for arresting Garg three years after the almost blind case was taken up by the agency.
Pardeep Aggarwal, the brother of the deceased, had alleged that even after spending huge sums on his sister's marriage in 2007, her husband's family ill-treated her and demanded expensive gifts and cash.
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