Sharada Subramaniam, an Indian Audit and Accounts Service official, allegedly diverted Rs 16.2 crore of the Coffee Board into mutual fund causing a loss of Rs 53.3 lakh to the organisation and corresponding gain to herself during her posting as its Director, the CBI has alleged in the FIR.
Apart from her, Nagarajan, the then in-charge accounts officer of the Coffee Board, G Ananda, also in-charge accounts officer in the board, M Gururaj, managing partner of Green Homes and G S Financial Services and Sandeep Dash, ICAS, the then Finance Member, Bangalore Development Authority and husband of Subramaniam have also been booked by the CBI for allegedly acting in connivance.
Despite repeated calls, Subramaniam did not pick calls or responded to SMSes seeking her comments on the development.
Her personal biodata report given on the CAG website shows her "under suspension" from November 3, 2015.
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