CBI sources said Vardhman Life Sciences Private Ltd had allegedly taken a loan of around Rs 175 crore from four national banks --Rs 40 crore from SBI, Rs 40 crore from State Bank of Hyderabad, Rs 40 crore from State Bank of Patiala and Rs 55 crore from Exim Bank.
Of the four banks, only SBI has complained of loan default to the tune of Rs 34 crore by the company, they said.
CBI spokesperson R K Gaur said a case has been registered against the company, its promoter directors, unknown officials of the bank has been registered under IPC sections of criminal conspiracy, cheating, forgery among others besides provisions of Prevention of Corruption Act.
Promoter directors Suyog Jain, R S Gujral, Vivek Gupta, former directors S K Singla, R K Goya, Pramod Jain, Sandeep Agrawal and two employees, Sandeep Agrawal and Akshat Rana, have been named in the FIR.
He said searches were conducted at eight locations in Delhi, Chandigarh and Cuddalore (Tamil Nadu) at the premises of accused persons and others which led to recovery of incriminating documents.