Last September, CBI had started probe in the alleged favours extended to the companies by unknown officials of the Indian Bureau of Mines while awarding licences for the country's first-ever attempt to explore untapped mineral wealth lying in the sea-bed.
CBI sources said it closed the enquiry as the matter is already under "judicial scrutiny" and prima facie nothing malafide was found. They said they have given their recommendation to the Indian Bureau of Mines in this regard.
It was alleged that four beneficiary companies owned by family members of an Indian Revenue Service officer were under the agency's scanner as they bagged nearly half of the blocks despite lacking necessary qualification, they said.
The sources claimed government had placed 62 blocks on offer out of which 28, nearly half, were awarded to companies owned by family members of that officer, who had also served in the Mines Ministry.
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Each block measuring about 800 sq km is estimated to have huge unexplored mineral wealth in the sea-bed of Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea.
It was also alleged that companies were incorporated after bids were invited from interested parties willing to go for exploration but did not have any experience in offshore mining at the time of notification.