The court has convicted Gulshan Jahan, Imrana and Mohammed Rashid for possession of fake currency to the tune of Rs 8 lakh and sentenced them to undergo seven years Rigorous Imprisonment with fine of Rs. 1.30 lakh each, CBI Press Information Officer R K Gaur said today.
He said the agency had registered a case against the said accused persons alleging that some residents of district Malda (West Bengal), were smuggling huge quantities of Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN) from neighbouring Bangladesh and the said FICN was to be supplied to Gulshan Jahan resident of Tanda, Rampur.
"CBI conducted raids which led to recovery of Rs three lakh (approx) from the possession of Gulshan Jahan; three lakh from Imrana resident Moradabad and Rs two lakh from the possession of Mohd. Rashid resident Rampur, when they were intercepted at platform of Lucknow Railway Station," he said.
Gaur said FICNs in denomination of Rs 1000 and Rs 500 recovered from the said accused persons were seized.
"During interrogation, they had admitted incriminating facts regarding the involvement of other co-accused persons and they had brought the seized FICNs from Malda against the exchange of original currency notes of Rs. 3.44 lakh (approx) at the rate of Rs 43,000 for one lakh, for further circulation and onward delivery of the same to some unknown person at Rampur," he said.