The agency has moved an application under Section 321 of CrPC before Tis Hazari special court seeking dropping of charges against Group A officers V K Singh Kushwah, then additional commissioner at the Delhi International Airport, H R Bhima Shankar, Rajiv Gupta, Virender Kumar Choudhary and Upendra Gupta, who were all Deputy Commissioners.
"We have decided to drop charges against these officers after we received opinion from Attorney General and Finance Ministry in this regard," CBI Director Ranjit Sinha said.
Singh had then referred the matter to Attorney General who concurred with the view of Finance Ministry that charge could be dropped.
The case relates to a racket allegedly being run by an Uzbek woman Olga Kozireva hand in glove with the officials of Customs department. She was arrested on August 29, 2000 at the Delhi International Airport with 27 bags full of Chinese Silk fabrics measuring 81,160 yards valued at Rs 81.16 lakh.
CBI has alleged that these officers were hand-in glove with the woman and did not act despite having knowledge about the alleged crime.