CBI sources said the charge sheet has been filed against six directors of Win Realcon including Mahitosh Ganguly, Ranabir Das, Raju Dey, Rajib Debnath, Joy Bhowmick, and Partha Pratim Roy in IPC sections related to cheating, and violation of Prize Chits and Money Circulation Scheme banning Act, 1978.
The two companies Win Realcon and WRL Consultancy have also been named in the charge sheet filed today before Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, Barrackpore.
So far, CBI had filed charge sheets indicting Madan Mitra and others namely Saradha owner Sudipto Sen, suspended Trinamool Rajya Sabha MP Kunal Ghosh and others.
The companies running the alleged schemes defaulted on payment as they had diverted the money into other businesses.
All the five directors charge sheeted today are in the judicial custody while on of them Ranbir Das is absconding.
CBI has constituted a special team to investigate chit fund scam headed by Joint Director Rajiv Singh in the wake of the Supreme Court order.