Manoj Kumar Agarwal, a 1990-batch West Bengal cadre officer, was slapped with charges of having amassed assets disproportionate to his known sources of income under the Prevention of Corruption Act along with his wife Rooma and father-in-law, MP Garg.
The charge sheet against Agarwal, now posted as Secretary of the North Bengal Development Department, was filed at Patiala House Court here after a nearly three-year long probe into his assets.
The probe had also revealed nearly 30 bank accounts in the name of Agarwal and his spouse, who is a housewife.
CBI has alleged that Agarwal's father-in-law had acted as a conduit in the case.
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Six plots which are worth crores of rupees at present - three in Dwarka and one each in posh localities of Gurgaon, Greater Noida and Kolkata - were allegedly bought in his wife's name, CBI said.
"He had acquired movable and immovable assets worth approximately Rs 45.80 lakh in his and his wife's name during the period August 20, 1990 to June 30, 2008, which were disproportionate to his known sources of income," CBI said in a statement.