The CBI on Monday interrogated painter Shuvaprasanna in connection with the multi-crore Saradha ponzi scam which left thousands of investors in the lurch.
Sources in the investigating agency said that the painter had been asked to appear before its officials to ascertain his role in the scam.
The artist was questioned by CBI in 2014 for selling a non-operational TV channel to Saradha Group chief Sudipta Sen.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) had also quizzed him on certain financial transactions with the Saradha Group through his bank account with regard to buying the television channel.
Saradha had collected money from common investors without having the sanction of either RBI or SEBI promising higher returns to them.
Both CBI and ED are probing the Saradha scam. The final chargesheets were yet to be filed.