A day after registering an FIR, CBI officials conducted the raids at eight premises belonging to Yeddyurappa, his sons B Y Raghavendra, a Lok Sabha member, and B Y Vijayendra as well as son-in-law Sohan Kumar in Bangalore and Shimoga district.
The CBI also raided the offices of JSW Steel and South West Mining Company Limited in Bellary, besides searching the house of a mining leaseholder, police sources said.
The crackdown by the central agency came after it registered a case for offences under IPC including criminal conspiracy and criminal breach of trust besides under the provisions of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act and Prevention of Corruption Act.
Yeddyurappa has been accused of granting undue favours to the two firms in lieu of donations made by them to a charitable trust run by his family.
The raids, which began at 6.15 AM, were being conducted by a joint team of CBI officials from Hyderabad and Bangalore.
The searches were held at Yeddyurappa's residences in Dollars Colony and Race Course Road here and a firm owned by one of his sons.
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The Supreme Court order for the CBI probe came after an empowered committee set up by it submitted its report and pointing out several allegations against Yeddyurappa and corporate entities and recommending a CBI probe.
Meanwhile, JSW Steel in a press statement maintained "It has neither done any illegal activity nor was it connected with any wrong doing." MORE