CBI registered a Preliminary Enquiry against unknown officials of GMR, Civil Aviation Ministry, Airports Authority of India (AAI) and Delhi International Airports Limited (DIAL) for allegedly entering into a criminal conspiracy and causing a loss to the exchequer, official sources said here today.
The PE pertains to leasing of nearly 190 acres of land belonging to AAI to the GMR group.
Denying all allegations, a GMR spokesperson said, "We are not aware of any such enquiry. On the contrary, both High court as well as Supreme court have upheld the award of IGI Airport to the GMR led consortium as early as in the year 2006."
"Hence DIAL was not benefitted from this additional land...The additional land has been given in accordance with the OMDA (Operation Management and Development Agreement) provisions."
However, the sources said documents would be called from the Civil Aviation Ministry which also includes some of the cabinet notes of the NDA government whereby GMR-led DIAL consortium was to get the land for 30 years. This clause was subsequently changed to 60 years by the UPA government.