The CBI on Friday approached the Delhi High Court seeking enhancing of additional security from Rs two crore to Rs six crore which controversial meat exporter Moin Akhtar Qureshi, accused in a cheating and corruption case, has been asked to furnish to travel to UAE and Pakistan.
The matter has been listed for February 11.
Recently, Qureshi was allowed by a trial court to travel to the UAE from February 15-23 for attending the Gulf Food Festival and from March 6-20 to Pakistan to attend his niece's wedding.
The trial court had directed Qureshi to furnish an additional security of Rs two crore in the form of bank guarantee and warned that in case of violation of any of the conditions imposed, the amount would be forfeited.
He was also asked to surrender his passport within 24 hours of his arrival in the country.
However, the CBI moved the high court urging that the security amount be raised from the Rs two crore amount to Rs six crore on the grounds that earlier the trial court had permitted a co-accused to go abroad on furnishing FDR or bank guarantee for Rs six crore.
The CBI claimed the trial court order was "non-speaking" and added that even after taking note of December 18, 2018 order relating to a co-accused, the lower court reduced the condition by directing Qureshi to furnish FDR/ bank guarantee for a sum of Rs two crore instead of Rs six crore.
In a 'non-speaking' order, the reasons are not given
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