Amid charges and counter-charges, Kejriwal claimed his office was raided which was denied by CBI as well as Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in Rajya Sabha where the opposition created an uproar. The chief minister claimed he was in fact the target and that Principal Secretary Rajendra Kumar was just an excuse.
"I am surprised at the raids at my office," Kejriwal told reporters in the evening, hours after he broke the news of the raid with a tweet "CBI raids my office", as the CBI team reached the third floor of Delhi Secretariat.
"When Modi cudn't handle me politically, he resorts to this cowardice. Modi is a coward and psychopath," he said, sparking an angry condemnation from a furious BJP which demanded an apology from the chief minister for his "disgraceful" remarks.
A CBI Spokesperson, however, said the searches were being conducted only at the office of Kumar, a senior IAS officer.
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The agency said it has registered a case against Kumar and others on allegations against the officer that he abused his official position by "favouring a particular firm in the last few years in getting tenders from Delhi government departments".
Kumar was charged with IPC 120-B, 13(2) read with 13(1)(d) of the Prevention of Corruption Act (Criminal conspiracy, criminal misconduct etc), a CBI spokesperson said, adding he allegedly favoured the company through five contracts worth Rs 9.5 crore during 2007-14.
The CBI spokesperson later said that reports from certain quarters regarding searches at the office of Delhi Chief Minister "are baseless".
A furious BJP lashed out at Kejriwal for his "disgraceful" remarks against Modi, and said it was shameful that the CM who came from the "womb of" anti-graft stir was protecting an officer involved in a "textbook case of corruption".
Demanding an apology from the Delhi Chief Minister for calling Modi a "coward and psychopath", Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad rubbished his claim that CBI raided his office, saying it was not even "touched" by the agency.