As the CBI raided the office and residence of former Bengaluru Police Commissioner Alok Kumar on Thursday in connection with a phone tapping case, former Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy said he is not worried as he has no connection with the matter.
"Let them raid whoever they want to. Why are you asking me? How am I connected to it?" Kumaraswamy told reporters in reaction to the raids on Kumar.
When it was pointed out that the searches pertained to phone tapping during his tenure as chief minister, Kumaraswamy said, "Everybody does it during their tenure.
If they investigate how the phone tapping happened in the past, then why should I be worried about it?"
To a question that the CBI may question him, the JDS leader said "Let them come. As per the law of the land, anyone can be questioned and investigated. Why should I panic?"
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