"Searches were conducted at the official and residential premises of the accused public servant at Ranchi and Delhi, which led to recovery of cash of Rs nine lakh (approx); NSC/KVPs worth Rs three lakh (approx) and FDs for Rs 26 lakh (approx)," CBI Press Information Officer R K Gaur said.
Sailesh Pandit was arrested yesterday while allegedly accepting the bribe of Rs 5,000 at his residence in Ranchi from an employee of the organisation.
Pandit is retiring on June 30, the officials said.
"It was alleged in the complaint that the Deputy Director General (an officer of the Indian Broadcasting Service) has demanded a bribe of Rs 10,000 from the complainant as his cut in the purchase of stationery items for the office. On request of the complainant to reduce the bribe amount, the public servant agreed to accept the bribe of Rs 5000," Gaur said.