CBI sources said the agency has sought details of cases being probed by the Delhi Police against Verma who has been charge sheeted by it in the Rheinmetall Air Defence AG case.
The sources said the agency will have to inform Supreme Court about the credibility of Verma who has turned approver in a case where an IRS officer, in criminal conspiracy with Verma, had allegedly fabricated documents to implicate a jeweller in a FERA case.
The sources said they will have to inform the Supreme Court about the suitability of Verma as approver when a number of agencies are probing cases against him.
Verma, who had been earlier arrested by CBI in connection with alleged fake passport and leaking of secret commercial information from Naval war room to foreign companies, is alleged to have taken USD 530,000 from Rheinmetall Air Defence AG on the promise that he would use his influence to stall blacklisting proceedings initiated by the government against it after the Ordnance Factory Board scam had surfaced.