The Integrated Coffee Development Project (ICDP) is based on the recommendations by the Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC).
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approved the proposal for implementation of the ICDP for coffee board, an official statement said today.
Under this project, the funds will be provided for research and development for sustainable coffee production, promoting exports and developing markets, transfer of technology and developing capacity among others.
The maximum amount of Rs 311 crore has been allocated under the project for development support for coffee in traditional areas, followed by Rs 137.50 crore for research and development for sustainable coffee production.
The government has also allocated Rs 60 crore for promotion of exports, Rs 55 crore for development of markets and Rs 54.50 crore for coffee development Programme in North East region among others.
The board's core activities are to research and development, transfer of technology, quality improvement, extending development support to growing sector, promotion of coffee in export and domestic markets.