"The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has given its approval for the six laning of the Chakeri-Allahabad section of National Highway in Uttar Pradesh," an official statement said.
The total cost of this project is estimated to be Rs 1999.85 crore and total length of the road will be approximately 145 kms.
It has also approved six-laning of the Handia-Varanasi section of National Highway in Uttar Pradesh. This project's cost is estimated to be Rs 2378.59 crore and total length of the road will be approximately 72.4 kms.
The CCEA also approved six-laning of Baleshwar-Chandikhole section of National Highway in Odisha. The project cost is estimated to be Rs 2296.82 crore and total length of the road will be approximately 137 kms.
The CCEA has given its approval for development of four to six laning of the Raipur-Bilaspur section of National Highway in Chhattisgarh. The cost is estimated to be Rs 1,963.88 crore and total length of the road will be approximately 127 kms.
The work for these approved road projects will be under the National Highways Development Project (NHDP) Phase-V.