"It has been proved that the company (Torrent Power Ltd) threatened to cut the power supply of a consumer. Later, it was cut to recover a hefty amount of Rs 78,000. This is only a tip of the iceberg and other such incidents would have occured," the CDRC order said.
"Under such cirmustances, the company is directed to submit a fine of Rs 50 lakh to the Consumer Welfare Fund within two months," the order said.
A Surat-based travel agent Rajendra Sharma had moved the District Consumers' Forum alleging that Torrent Power recovered Rs 78,000 for allegedly damaging cable wires and in addition to that the company also cut power supply until the hefty amount was paid.
The company had alleged that Sharma had dug the road by JCB machine and while doing that power-cables were damaged, which resulted in power cut in Puna -Kumbharia road of the city.
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When he did not pay the amount, Torrent Power first threatened to cut and later cut the electricity supply of his travel agency's office after that he was imposed to pay Rs. 78,000.
The CDRC has mentioned in the order that the recovery of the said amount was done without any basis or any supportive evidence.
"As per the norms of the Electricity Act, the company was bound to give a notice to its consumer 15 days before cutting the power supply," the order said.
Torrent Power Ltd is private electricity discom (distribution compnay) supplying electricty to consumers in Ahmedabad and Surat cities.