CBI sources said Akhilesh Tiwari, working in the Office of Commissioner of Central Excise, Thane as a superintendent, was arrested while he along with Inspector R K Singh was accepting bribe from the person who made a complaint to the agency.
"A case was registered against the Superintendent of Central Excise and an Inspector, both working in the Office of Commissioner of Central Excise, Thane-II, Mumbai on a complaint regarding demand of bribe for Rs.50,000," CBI spokesperson said in a statement.
"The Superintendent of Central Excise and the Inspector has demanded Rs 50,000 for taking back the said notice from the complainant. CBI laid a trap and the Superintendent was arrested while demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs. 45,000 from the complainant," the statement said.
While Tiwari was arrested, Singh managed to give a slip and is on the run, the sources said.
"Searches were conducted at the official and residential premises of the accused and recovered a cash of Rs 19 lakh and bank balance of Rs 42 lakh," the statement said.