"The Centre keeps on beating drums about their schemes as if it is money from auction.....Rs 30,000 crore, 40,000 crore - and as if people are getting the money. Funds don't reach the state governments," Banerjee told reporters after an administrative review meeting at the state secretariat.
"You (media) make it the headline and people also become happy but a wrong message goes to the people. You don't write when the money doesn't come. To get even 20 paise we have to struggle very hard. I don't have trust anymore (on the Centre)," she said.
The Chief Minister pointed out that not only national highways, but also social schemes like Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) are suffering as a result.
"Funds have reduced in 55 schemes. 39 schemes have been closed while they have restructured so many schemes. Unfortunately, it is true that the states are suffering as a result of this. How will we do our work?," Banerjee said.