Through the scheme prepared by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, the government is aiming at providing a whole range of basic services like food, shelter, health care, counselling and rehabilitation to destitutes.
"Under the scheme, skill development training will be provided to the able-bodied destitutes so as to facilitate their reintegration into the mainstream society so that they may live a life with dignity.
"It will also encourage innovative interventions to strengthen the community-based approach towards rehabilitation of destitutes with sensitization programmes etc," said a senior government official.
In order to enhance transparency and accountability in the implementation of the scheme, the details of every beneficiary would be maintained in a computerised database and linked with their Aadhaar number in due course of time.
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According to a poverty estimation study by Oxford University, UK, India is home to over 340 million destitute people and is the second poorest country in South Asia after strife-torn Afghanistan.
According to the 2011 Census, population of beggars and vagrants is about 4.13 lakh which includes 3.72 lakh persons under non-workers category and about 41,400 under marginal workers category.
The scheme was discontinued from the year 1998-99 due to moderate demand from the state governments. There is no ongoing comprehensive central scheme directly related to protection, care and rehabilitation of destitute persons.
Under the new scheme, government would provide financial
assistance to rehabilitation centres run directly by states and Union Territories which will ensure that basic amenities such as food, shelter, clothing and health care are available to the destitutes and homeless, the official said.
Also, in order to monitor the implementation of the scheme, the states and UTs may set up State Advisory Committees or Boards.
The subject of destitution and beggary is not mentioned in either Central or State List. However, as per entry nine of the state list in the seventh Schedule of the Constitution, "relief of the disabled and unemployable" is a state subject. On the other hand, as per entry 15 of the Concurrent List, "vagrancy" is mentioned which is a variation of beggary.
These anti-beggary laws are mostly based on the Bombay Prevention of Begging Act, 1959 which criminalizes the act of begging and any person found involved in it can be arrested without warrant.
"Apart from economic burden, beggary causes other social problems such as drug abuse, trafficking, organised crime, child-related crimes etc. Therefore it needs redress both by the government and civil society through concerted efforts to arrest potential criminal activities like organised begging, trafficking of drugs etc," the official said.