A three-member central team onTuesday visited coronavirus hotspots in the city and also inspected medical and quarantine facilities as part of an exercise to take stock of the COVID-19 situation here.The three-member inter-ministerial central team (IMCT), comprising officials of various departments, is in Pune since Monday to review the pandemic situation in the city, which is second only to Mumbai in terms of reporting coronavirus cases and deaths in Maharashtra."The team visited several facilities such as flu clinics, mobile clinics, COVID-19 care hospitals, quarantine facilities and also paid a visit to slum pockets in Bhavani Peth, one of the worst-affected areas in terms of number of COVID-19 cases and deaths," said Pune municipal commissioner Shekhar Gaikwad.The team also inspected swab collection procedures and interacted with people ho are currently in quarantine facilities.Gaikwad said the issue of medicines for COVID-19 patients was also discussed."As far as distribution of hydroxychloroquine tablets at mass level is concerned, the team said they are going to suggest the dose. But it will happen only if the ICMR gives approval for it," he said.Hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug, is being touted as game changer in fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.He said during interaction with the team, they sought 15,000 to 20,000 rapid testing kits from the Centre for Pune.The team consisted of members from the National Disaster Management Authority, home and civil supplies departments.The Pune division has so far reported 754 COVID-19 cases and 59 deaths.