UP government had slapped the sedition charge against around 60 students studying in an university in Meerut for allegedly cheering Pakistan during the cricket match on March 2. However, the charge was withdrawn following an outrage in Kashmir valley and other parts of the country and Chief Minister Omar Abdullah's appeal to his UP counterpart Akhilesh Yadav.
A Union Home Ministry spokesperson said that in view of the sensitivity involved in the matter pertaining to the incident in Meerut on March 2 during the Asia Cup cricket match between India and Pakistan in Asia cup series, Uttar Pradesh government has been advised to tell its law enforcing machinery that utmost care should be taken while registering case against students from any part of the country studying in the state.
The Centre said cases against students from Jammu and Kashmir has generated a lot of debate in media and political circles of Jammu and Kashmir and concern among the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
"State government may, therefore, advise district administration to supervise the case at senior level and take a view on the charge levelled against them on merits," the advisory said.