AICC spokesperson Abhishek Singhvi said this while referring to raids by the CBI and the Income-Tax Department on the residences and properties of P Chidambaram of the Congress and Lalu Prasad of the RJD over alleged corruption.
Singhvi said the Enforcement Directorate and the CBI have initiated prosecution proceedings against 34 political leaders under the NDA government, of which 30 belong opposition parties.
The government has refrained from taking action against its own leaders in scams like Vyapam and GSPL, he alleged.
Singhvi asked why the government did not take action against former BJP minister and mining baron G Janardhan Reddy who allegedly spent around Rs 500 crore on his daughter's wedding and in the Sahara-Birla papers.
The Congress leader also sought to know why no action was taken in the Vyapam scam despite the Supreme Court handing over the probe into it to the CBI.
"What has happened so far ... Why have you not handed over the probe into in the GSPL case to the CBI?" he asked.