In a major move ahead of the Lok Sabha polls, the Union Cabinet Monday cleared a 10 per cent quota in government jobs and education for "economically weaker" sections, meeting a key demand of upper castes, a staunch BJP support base which has shown signs of a drift from the party.
The BJP termed the Narendra Modi government's move as "historic" while the Opposition questioned its timing with the Congress dubbing it a "election gimmick". However, opposition parties extended its support, reflecting the bill's political significance.
A top government functionary said Social Justice Minister Thavarchand Gehlot is likely to table in Parliament on Tuesday the bill, which for the first time provides for non-caste, non-religion based reservation.
The proposed reservation will be over and above the existing 50 per cent reservation enjoyed by the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and the Other Backward Classes, and will take the total reservation to 60 per cent.
The Constitution, which has no mention of "economically weaker" people, will require an amendment to provide quota for them and at least two-thirds of the members in both the Houses will need to support the bill for it become a law. While the ruling NDA has required numbers in Lok Sabha, it will need support from the opposition benches in Rajya Sabha.
Asked whether the Congress will support the bill in Parliament, Congress spokesperson Randeep Surjewala said: "The son or daughter of a person who is economically poor should get their share in education and employment. We will support all steps for this."