Siddaramaiah said that in the last four-and-a-half years, the government had improved 10,926 km of state highways by spending Rs 10,969 crore and 21,100 km major district roads at a cost of Rs 8,434 crore.
"1,854 of National Highway has been upgraded and the union government has given its approval in principle for the upgradation of 6,233 km of State highway as national highways," he said at the inaugural session of the 78th annual session of Indian Road Congress being held here.
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He said the government has spent Rs 3,008 crore to lay concrete roads in localities belonging to SC/ST under special component and sub-plan.
Siddaramaiah said a Special Purpose Vehicle has been established to implement public-private projects to take care of the state's infrastructural needs.
Also, the government has established a dedicated planning and rural asset management centre for scientifically preparing projects, keeping in mind the condition of existing roads.
The Chief Minister hailed the Indian Road Congress for providing its technical assistance in improving the road network in the country.