In her reply to a question in Rajya Sabha, Union Water Resources Minister Uma Bharti said, in the first two phases of Yamuna Action Plan (YAP), a treatment capacity of 942 MLD was created and Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) of 328.20 MLD were renovated at an expenditure of Rs 1,514.70 crores.
Currently, JICA assisted YAP phase-III project has been approved at an estimated cost of Rs 1,656 crore, she said adding that the project is being implemented on 85:15 cost sharing basis between the Centre and Government of Delhi.
"The option of taking up these works in addition to the existing scope of JICA project is also under consideration," the Minister said.
Responding to questions about Central Water Commission declaring the Yamuna water at Agra unsafe for irrigation and domestic use, Bharti said that the Commission has not made any such declaration.