Inaugurating the annual conference of Relief Commissioners and Secretaries of the Department of Disaster Management of States and Union Territories here, Home Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi said the disasters or adversities are increasing in number and intensity in the country, ranging from earthquakes, droughts, floods, forest fires among others.
There is a need for better preparedness and putting comprehensive, improved risk reduction and mitigation measures in place, he said.
The Home Secretary took stock of the status of preparedness for southwest monsoon with the participating central agencies and states and UTs.
In these disasters, 1543 human lives were lost, about 16.54 lakh houses and huts damaged and crops over an area of 33.57 lakh hectares affected.
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Mehrishi said the Ministry of Home Affairs and agencies such as National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) are sharing long-term measures and training with the states for necessary preparedness.
He said the participants should share their experiences in the conference and ensure that an early warning system is put in place.
Representatives of 27 states, six Union Territories, National Disaster Response Force, central ministries, Central Armed Police Forces, Indian Meteorological Department, Central Water Commission, Indian National Center for Ocean Information Service, DRDO, GSI and other scientific organisations, along with armed forces participated the conference.
Advance procurement of necessary relief material, checking readiness of the equipment and communication systems, community based disaster management and coordinated approach for disaster response at the district level were highlighted.
During the conference, it was noted that the concerted efforts of all concerned have helped in minimising the loss of precious human lives. The need for coordination among all central and state government agencies was re-emphasised.
The Indian Metrological Department, Department of Space, Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment (Defence Research and Development Organisation), Central Water Commission, Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Service, Geological Survey of India, Ministry of Defence, and National Disaster Response Force made presentations on their respective field of forecasting, warning mechanism and their future plans for enhancing capability in the field of disaster management.