Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan has written to Delhi Lt Governor Najeeb Jung seeking 20 acres of land in the central part of Delhi in order to set up the institute, which is aimed at providing a boost to dental services and research in the country.
"Dental sciences in India have progressed tremendously in the last couple of years and we now have a large pool of dental professionals, including specialists, in the country.
He further said that his ministry is committed to setting up five such institutes across the country.
"I am keen that the first All-India Institute of Dental Medicine and Research, on the pattern of AIIMS, is set up in Delhi," Vardhan told the LG.
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The new institute will become a centre of excellence for oral sciences with facilities for providing high-level training and education, he added.
"I would appreciate an early response in the matter from the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) and Delhi government," the letter adds.
AIIMS here has an annual operating budget of Rs 1,365 crore and sees 10,000 patients thronging its vast corridors every day.