"A Technology Centre, costing Rs 100 crore, will be set up at Ghatti in Kathua district of Jammu region with its extension counter at Sanatnagar in Srinagar besides district incubation centres across the state," Union Secretary in ministry of MSME Madhav Lal said addressing an officers' meeting here.
The meeting was convened last night to review the implementation of schemes and programmes of the ministry and was was attended among others by State Financial Commissioner, Industries and Commerce, Khurshid Ahmad Ganai, heads of various Departments and District Industries Centres.
"EM1 and EM2 software packages will shortly be introduced in the State while it has already been implemented in nine states of the country," he said adding this would improve in efficiency of registration of new units working in unorganised sector.
Lal asked the authorities of Industries Department to liaise with SIDBI for availing finance for Micro entrepreneurs of the State and also come up with a proposal for up-gradation and development of industrial estates under MSE-CDP scheme.