The resolution, moved by the chief minister Okram Ibobi Singh, said "this House while welcoming the fresh initiative of the government of India to bring peace in the north-eastern region of the country resolves to urge the Union government to ensure that the 'Peace Accord' of 3rd August, 2015 signed by the government of India and NSCN(IM) and any subsequent agreements do not impinge on the territorial integrity of the state of Manipur."
"The House still further resolves to urge the Union government to amend Article 3 of the Constitution of India by incorporating that prior consent of the state legislature of the affected state(s) shall be mandatory while forming new states, alteration of areas and boundaries or names of existing state," the resolution said.
The Naga Peace Accord was signed on August 3 last, but its details are yet to be made public.