In a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha, Irani said that guidelines of the programme, once finalised will be shared with states and UTs.
"The Central Government is working on a programme, namely 'Bal Sansad' or 'Children's Parliament' to develop life skills in children, in planning, problem solving, leadership, ownership, decision-making, participation of children in all activities and management of the school and making school a fun-filled, joyful and safe learning environment," Irani said.
"Once finalised, the guidelines will be shared with the states/UTs," she said in her reply.
In a written reply to another question, Irani said that the HRD ministry has constituted a Committee for integration of sports in higher education as part of its New Education Policy (NEP) consultations.
Replying to yet another question, the HRD minister said that 'Surya Namaskar' has been included as one of the activities of yoga in the model syllabi and textual material developed by NCERT based on its scientific importance and not considering any religious aspect.