"After successfully marketing children's films in the domestic market through many theatrical releases and school outreach programmes, we now want to explore the possibility of marketing Indian children's films abroad by participating in the European Film Market," CEO Dr Shravan Kumar told PTI over phone from Germany, where he is participating in the Berlin Film Festival.
At the Berlin Film Festival in 2012, CFSI film 'Gattu' was given a Special Mention by International Jury, he said.
In the recent past, CFSI has successfully undertaken commercial release of many children's films in India. 'Gattu' was the first commercially-released film of CFSI. Marketing and promotion was one of the biggest mechanism which created a buzz for 'Gattu'.
Unlike China, Netherlands and Denmark, India does not focus on children's cinema, but CFSI, with all its expertise in children cinema, released 'Gattu' in 2012 among the highly marketed commercial cinema.
CFSI has been making films for Indian market since its inception and this would be a collective effort to reach market internationally and make much better cinema which would be entertaining as well as educative, he said.