The State Vigilance Organisation (SVO) filed the chargesheet against three accused officials and a contractor in the court of Additional Anti-Corruption Judge in Pulwama district today, a good 34 years after the case was registered.
The case relates to alleged fradulent withdrawal of Rs 62,270 from the government treasury in April 1982 for clearance of silt in the sump of Pump Lift Station at village Marwal in Pulwama district against the actual expenditure of Rs 2,640, a spokesman of the SVO said.
"The instant case was registered on the outcome of the preliminary enquiry into the allegations that there was accumulation of about 15 feet of silt in the Sump of Pump of Lift Station Marval for which tenders and other formalities have been completed by the Executive Engineer Irrigation Construction Division Pampore and the work has been entrusted to a local contractor for execution.
During the investigation, he said it was found that a small quantity of silt was removed from the sump and the accused in collusion with one another allegedly fraudulently drew Rs 62,270 from government treasury in April 1982 when actual silt clearance was done involving an expenditure of Rs 2640 only.